Founded in 1996, Holos was born in an academic environment, but soon became a leading technology provider in Europe. After two decades of working internationally and incorporating the know-how from different regions in the world, we consider knowledge the most important asset of the organizations. We use state-of-the-art technology to convert internal information to knowledge and our international networks and experiences to convert third party information into opportunities for our clients. Holos has its headquarters in “Madan Parque – Science and Technology Park of Almada” and a representation in Angola.
Holos has received several awards and certifications, among others, two Seals of Excellence as European Commission’s recognition of exceptional technological quality
It’s our mission to amplify our customers’ potential by connecting opportunities, either providing innovative technology solutions or by bridging competences and activity regions and help companies overcome geographical and technological barriers and convert their intangible knowledge into tangible assets. Holos is a technology based company seeking innovative solutions to support organizations’ development processes. We offer hybrid solutions that come from an holistic approach to business, including providing ICT based products and services while focusing on knowledge as the key asset of the companies.
HOLOS culture is based on the valorization of its employees through a continuous reinforcement of their knowledge in a work context. Thus, it is promoted the formative dimension of empowerment. HOLOS favors the constant dedication to the company’s customers to increase its proximity to the market.
The application of this intervention philosophy is based on the following vectors: